Mini Project

(Angry Comb, Sad Spoon, Jealous Pen, Happy Shoe and Embarrased Mp3)
Using visual representation, I attempted to represent 5 different emotions within 5 different products as part of a 'mini project' concerning human behaviour and their attitudes and feelings. Just basically to try to grasp the raw aesthetics of what I believe captures these emotions and to get myself to think about how these preconceptions change from person to person.
Also looking into communication between people, interaction and reflective design.
Ok, so the title of my project has changed several times from 'Olfaction Re-discovered', to 'Emotional Design for the Senses' and finally 'Emotional Design for Communication. I'm happy with that now, as I feel that the world needs to communicate more on a personal and emotional level. So my initial focus on the senses is being given a back seat to the real message I'm trying to put across which is that 'Emotional Comunication' needs to be awakened.
(more to come on my brief)

“Any designer who approaches a design challenge without looking at all of the senses is irresponsible.”

James Whittaker, creative director of strategic-creative consultancy Frog Design