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Objects which have the greatest personal meaning are kept as a reminder of a particular person or moment in time, alocket, teddy or even a mixed tape which have no obvious meaning except to the person who recieved them.‘Votive Connetions’ would be an extension of the RFDI service,developed for use by couples who have to spend time apart.

A variety of different object would be made with RFDI tags already inside for the user to program a URL to. They would then give one or more objects to their partner which can be constantly updated with new actions and URls. The ‘Votive Connections’ service will act as a new kind of love letter or a modern take on on mixed tape with added interaction, as an addition to existing forms of communication.

I propose that the objects we keep for sentimental value can be brought back to life by mediating them with RFDI tags. This waywe keep the emotional value of someone giving you a gift, whilstkeeping up-to-date with technology.This gives the person more than just a tangible product to cherish, they can alsorecieve constant updates of personal information which allows them tocommunicate emotionally with their partner.

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